Beautifully Organized

Mar 9, 20202 min

Crush the Morning!

I am a huge believer in morning routines! A couple of years ago I read the book Miracle Morning and it inspired me to look at my morning routine and be more intentional. I am going to share my morning routine and tips that you can try if you want to CRUSH YOUR MORNING to!!

My Morning Routine

Typically during the week I get up at 5:30 am and workout either at the gym or at home. Usually I am home/finished working out by 6:30 and that is when I eat breakfast, Gratitude practice and read a couple of pages in an inspirational book. Around 7:00 I will start getting ready and straighten up the house and listen to a podcast and be ready to work by 8:00.

The weekends I get up by 7:00 and do my gratitude practice while eating breakfast.

Benefits From My Routine

#1- Starting early and spending the 1st few hours intentionally helps me feel energized and ready to take on the day!

#2- I am more productive on the days that I stick to my routine.

#3- You get your head and heart in a good place.

#4- Your workout is in (no excuses later on)

#5- Learning and feeding my mind and heart with good content.

Roadblocks I Overcame to Get into the Habits

Getting up earlier- this was not overnight for me, I started by setting my alarm 15 minutes earlier each week until I go to 5:30.

Feeling Rushed in the Morning- Prepping was key!! At night I set myself up for success by getting my coffee ready to go, get all the vitamins out, make sure my water bottle is filled and in the fridge, and make sure my workout clothes are ready to go.

Feeling Defeated when I don't get all steps of my routine completed- Progress not perfection!! Not every morning can be perfect! For me my 1 thing that I must do is gratitude and I never skip eating breakfast (it is probably my favorite meal) so I will always take the time to write down what I am grateful for no exceptions. When you go through a crazy busy season remember it is ok if you missed a couple of days at 100%, you just need to get back on the routine ASAP and carry on.

I would love to hear what your morning routine is and how it benefits you!! Or if you are going to start a morning routine please share what you are adding.
